Sunday, 15 July 2012

Camping Trip!

Firstly, I'm about to go on my first holiday with my partner! We're going camping to Bakewell on Monday, and we're very excited.  Finally, after three years as a couple, we're going on holiday together.  I can't wait!  We're travelling to Bakewell by bus, and then onwards to our camp-site by foot.  It's only two miles, should be easy, right?!?

Secondly, my training date as a Student Blogger for the university's Marketing Department is approaching.  Finally, some paid work as a writer!  I'm really looking forward to this opportunity and will put the link up on this page.  I've booked my tickets to travel to Birmingham on the 24th of July.

Finally, just updated XX and Proud with a post on my view on Maternity and Paternity Leave and my musings on the first chapters of Female Chauvinist Pigs.  I'm open to discussion and feedback on both these posts (in fact, on ALL my posts!)

Over and Out,
Faye Stone