Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Introducing the latest Online Student Ambassador: ME!

It's been awhile since my last post, but I've not been resting on my laurels!  First things first, I thoroughly enjoyed my well-deserved, if not so restful, holiday with my partner but did not manage to attend the Online Student Ambassador training day on the 24th of July.  I had some infected insect bites that needed medical attention.  Instead, I rearranged for last week.

The blog is now finally set up and Newman Newbies has been launched by the Marketing Department.  My blog is called Faye at Newman; the target audience is potential students and new students starting this September and I have been asked to show what life as a student of Newman University College is like from my perspective.  I'll be covering my academic and social lives on the blog, as well as anything else I think is relevant information for new students.  I've already post three times in a few days and I've got another post planned on the local area.

As well as blogging, I'm responsible for generating traffic to the blog, answering inquiries on the  Newman Newbies  page and ensuring that all discussion on the blog is appropriate (i.e. no threatening language allowed in public comments, which if occurs is to be reported to my supervisor).

I've signed the contract now and am officially employed by my university.  I guess this is my first career-related paid job (not counting my voluntary and hence unpaid work with Go-Woman!)  I'm moving on up.