The Focker- Byrnes family return for more comic misunderstandings and blatant mistrust. In the third installment, set when Greg and Pam's twins are young "early humans". Jack Byrnes (Robert Di Nero) prepares his son-in-law, Greg AKA Gaylord Focker (Ben Stiller), to be the families next Patriarch.
Causes for suspicion and conflict seemed somewhat forced, and added to Jessica Alba's embarrassing performance of a drug corporation representative, makes me hope that this is the final film of it's series. However, this film still found me constantly laughing as Greg tried to take on his father-in-law, yet again.
I recommend this film to the fans of its predecessors, Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers. Personally, I feel that this series peaked with the second installment and the producers should quit whilst they're ahead. This film receives a 3 out of 5.
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