Name Your Magazine!
This week I've been meeting fellow students and staff at Newman University College, asking them for suggestions for the magazine name. Many expressed that it was a long over-due project and appeared enthusiastic for the magazine's launch. But, we're no where near the finish line yet.
My colleague and received a variety suggestions, from Chocolate Mouse to the Newmanites. I'd like to thank everyone who submitted a suggestion into my hat, it means a lot to know that the student population are excited by this project that I am leading.
I'll be chairing the next meeting for the Informative and Creative Publishing (soon to be!) Society this afternoon. Thankfully, my laryngitis has gone but that didn't stop me from playing an active role in last week's meeting.
I must say that I'm enjoying my role as project leader and editor very much, but I couldn't have achieved as much as I have so far without my fabulous team and friends.
Over and Out,
Faye Stone
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