Sunday, 24 June 2012

Overdue Update

So that is year two of my university career done and dusted; I've since moved home and rediscovered my local library after a holiday to see the Mr. in Plymouth.  I've been reading The Female Eunuch and The Feminine Mystique, as well as discovering websites such as Feministing.  This appears to be my return to the life of an actual student, studying not to pass exams but out of genuine interest.  I've even contacted one of my university lecturers for a reading list of more feminist texts and she offered to allow me to take extra lectures in Women's History come Spring 2013!  To organise my thoughts regarding my recent readings and participate in the debate currently surrounding feminism, I've started up a new blog entitled XX and Proud.  

As for the ICP-SOC, I've handed over editorial powers to the Student Union Chair and Vice Chair.  The emotional strain of trying to complete what was essentially a full-time position  whilst juggling exams and assignments for my History Course proved too much for me.  I was overloaded with to the point of tears and something had to give, and it wasn't going to be my grades.  I'll still be keeping my writing hand active though, as I have sent an email to my Work Experience Supervisor asking to arrange some more voluntary work now my exams are over.  I've also got some work as a student-blogger lined up with the University Marketing Department, the training day is to be held next month!

Now all I need to to set myself up with some local work experience jobs or shadowing to keep myself active over Summer and I'll be well on my way.  

Over and Out,
Faye Stone

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