It's been awhile since my last post, but I've not been resting on my laurels! First things first, I thoroughly enjoyed my well-deserved, if not so restful, holiday with my partner but did not manage to attend the Online Student Ambassador training day on the 24th of July. I had some infected insect bites that needed medical attention. Instead, I rearranged for last week.
The blog is now finally set up and Newman Newbies has been launched by the Marketing Department. My blog is called Faye at Newman; the target audience is potential students and new students starting this September and I have been asked to show what life as a student of Newman University College is like from my perspective. I'll be covering my academic and social lives on the blog, as well as anything else I think is relevant information for new students. I've already post three times in a few days and I've got another post planned on the local area.
As well as blogging, I'm responsible for generating traffic to the blog, answering inquiries on the
Newman Newbies page and ensuring that all discussion on the blog is appropriate (i.e. no threatening language allowed in public comments, which if occurs is to be reported to my supervisor).
I've signed the contract now and am officially employed by my university. I guess this is my first career-related paid job (not counting my voluntary and hence unpaid work with Go-Woman!) I'm moving on up.
Faye The Freelance
Welcome to my blog, where I will showcase my professional development as a writer. I am currently juggling several projects, such as volunteering at a Birmingham magazine and writing my own stories alongside studying for a History Degree.
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Camping Trip!
Firstly, I'm about to go on my first holiday with my partner! We're going camping to Bakewell on Monday, and we're very excited. Finally, after three years as a couple, we're going on holiday together. I can't wait! We're travelling to Bakewell by bus, and then onwards to our camp-site by foot. It's only two miles, should be easy, right?!?
Secondly, my training date as a Student Blogger for the university's Marketing Department is approaching. Finally, some paid work as a writer! I'm really looking forward to this opportunity and will put the link up on this page. I've booked my tickets to travel to Birmingham on the 24th of July.
Finally, just updated XX and Proud with a post on my view on Maternity and Paternity Leave and my musings on the first chapters of Female Chauvinist Pigs. I'm open to discussion and feedback on both these posts (in fact, on ALL my posts!)
Over and Out,
Faye Stone
Secondly, my training date as a Student Blogger for the university's Marketing Department is approaching. Finally, some paid work as a writer! I'm really looking forward to this opportunity and will put the link up on this page. I've booked my tickets to travel to Birmingham on the 24th of July.
Finally, just updated XX and Proud with a post on my view on Maternity and Paternity Leave and my musings on the first chapters of Female Chauvinist Pigs. I'm open to discussion and feedback on both these posts (in fact, on ALL my posts!)
Over and Out,
Faye Stone
Monday, 25 June 2012
Book Idea?
A few months ago I had an idea for a book after reading The Seducer's Diary. The main character, Johannes, loves the thrill of the chase and so beguiles an otherwise indifferent woman to fall in love with him with the aim of breaking her heart. I found the idea intriguing at the time and I briefly explored the it before the exam period.
However, this morning I found myself looking back over my Great Love Series and wondering why I didn't follow through my idea. It originated from a dream where I seduced a young man only to orchestrate our inevitable break-up. As if that weren't enough, I wanted to savour the young man's knowledge that he was not the honest person he thought he was and so planned to push him into cheating and getting himself caught. It was dream that inspired my idea and the influence from Kiekegaard's Seducers Diary is clearly seen.
In some ways, I'm glad I haven't already planned this novella; I can incorporate some of my feminism reading into this book and it more than simply "Girl Meets Boy". Watch this space for more information nearer the time!
Over and Out,
However, this morning I found myself looking back over my Great Love Series and wondering why I didn't follow through my idea. It originated from a dream where I seduced a young man only to orchestrate our inevitable break-up. As if that weren't enough, I wanted to savour the young man's knowledge that he was not the honest person he thought he was and so planned to push him into cheating and getting himself caught. It was dream that inspired my idea and the influence from Kiekegaard's Seducers Diary is clearly seen.
In some ways, I'm glad I haven't already planned this novella; I can incorporate some of my feminism reading into this book and it more than simply "Girl Meets Boy". Watch this space for more information nearer the time!
Over and Out,
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Overdue Update
So that is year two of my university career done and dusted; I've since moved home and rediscovered my local library after a holiday to see the Mr. in Plymouth. I've been reading The Female Eunuch and The Feminine Mystique, as well as discovering websites such as Feministing. This appears to be my return to the life of an actual student, studying not to pass exams but out of genuine interest. I've even contacted one of my university lecturers for a reading list of more feminist texts and she offered to allow me to take extra lectures in Women's History come Spring 2013! To organise my thoughts regarding my recent readings and participate in the debate currently surrounding feminism, I've started up a new blog entitled XX and Proud.
As for the ICP-SOC, I've handed over editorial powers to the Student Union Chair and Vice Chair. The emotional strain of trying to complete what was essentially a full-time position whilst juggling exams and assignments for my History Course proved too much for me. I was overloaded with to the point of tears and something had to give, and it wasn't going to be my grades. I'll still be keeping my writing hand active though, as I have sent an email to my Work Experience Supervisor asking to arrange some more voluntary work now my exams are over. I've also got some work as a student-blogger lined up with the University Marketing Department, the training day is to be held next month!
Now all I need to to set myself up with some local work experience jobs or shadowing to keep myself active over Summer and I'll be well on my way.
Over and Out,
Faye Stone
As for the ICP-SOC, I've handed over editorial powers to the Student Union Chair and Vice Chair. The emotional strain of trying to complete what was essentially a full-time position whilst juggling exams and assignments for my History Course proved too much for me. I was overloaded with to the point of tears and something had to give, and it wasn't going to be my grades. I'll still be keeping my writing hand active though, as I have sent an email to my Work Experience Supervisor asking to arrange some more voluntary work now my exams are over. I've also got some work as a student-blogger lined up with the University Marketing Department, the training day is to be held next month!
Now all I need to to set myself up with some local work experience jobs or shadowing to keep myself active over Summer and I'll be well on my way.
Over and Out,
Faye Stone
Monday, 30 April 2012
Design Flaw
In the ICP-Soc meeting last Wednesday, I allocated the articles which are to feature in the Prospective Students Issue and the Freshers Issue of "Newmag". Now, I need to email out specifications to the students who volunteered regarding content and word count. I've also looked at the minutes from the meeting that a colleague has sent me and distributed them on the FaceBook page.
However, soon into my responsibilities I became distracted by the prospect of designing the magazine. At the moment, I have no funding for the magazine available for use and therefore began searching the internet for a free publishing software. It wasn't long before I found one, began designing a mock-up first page and wasted about an hour before realising that I wouldn't be able to save my design as a PDF. To add to that, I couldn't add more than five pages when I really needed twelve. I soon un-installed the software, very much feeling that I squandered my time which could have been spent on something more productive like, let's say, distributing those article specifications.
Which brings me to a realisation; I need to stop asking people in general to volunteer during meetings to help with design work and actually approach something with IT knowledge who could help me. I need an IT Consultant. I have someone in mind who has an eye for detail and a better idea than I on how to get such mythical software packages.
So, back to those specifications.
Over and Out,
Faye Stone
So, back to those specifications.
Over and Out,
Faye Stone
Saturday, 28 April 2012
Work Experience
Last Friday, I submitted my two essays based on my recent Work Placement at a local magazine. This included a 2000 word reflective essay on my experiences at Go-Woman! and a 1000 word analytical essay comparing a skill learnt at university and applied to my placement. For this, I studied research methodologies, with particular focus on interview techniques.
My experience working at a magazine helped me to develop my career plan; I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and feel that I have grown personally and professionally. To add to this, I have began networking and completed three articles for my editor. As part of my placement work, I attended Women Making It 2012 in Balsall Heath, Birmingham. The event was spectacular and afterwards I wrote an article regarding the motivations of various women who have set up their own business or are planning to. I have found my work to be inspirational, as it often involved speaking to experienced women who were keen to promote others as well as themselves.
As part of my action plan I outlined in the appendix of my reflective essay, I am continuing to volunteer at Go-Woman! At the moment, I am currently in correspondence with my editor regarding an article I suggested; I am to interview women with children in the early stages of setting up their own businesses to assess how they cope with the demands of business and children. I hope this piece will be an encouragement to the women of the West Midlands, allowing them to see that they can be self-employed whilst raising their family.
Over and Out,
Faye Stone
My experience working at a magazine helped me to develop my career plan; I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and feel that I have grown personally and professionally. To add to this, I have began networking and completed three articles for my editor. As part of my placement work, I attended Women Making It 2012 in Balsall Heath, Birmingham. The event was spectacular and afterwards I wrote an article regarding the motivations of various women who have set up their own business or are planning to. I have found my work to be inspirational, as it often involved speaking to experienced women who were keen to promote others as well as themselves.
As part of my action plan I outlined in the appendix of my reflective essay, I am continuing to volunteer at Go-Woman! At the moment, I am currently in correspondence with my editor regarding an article I suggested; I am to interview women with children in the early stages of setting up their own businesses to assess how they cope with the demands of business and children. I hope this piece will be an encouragement to the women of the West Midlands, allowing them to see that they can be self-employed whilst raising their family.
Over and Out,
Faye Stone
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Name Your Magazine!

I'll be chairing the next meeting for the Informative and Creative Publishing (soon to be!) Society this afternoon. Thankfully, my laryngitis has gone but that didn't stop me from playing an active role in last week's meeting.
I must say that I'm enjoying my role as project leader and editor very much, but I couldn't have achieved as much as I have so far without my fabulous team and friends.
Over and Out,
Faye Stone
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